The fall of business influencers.

Business influencers are exhausting. I used to watch “successful people” to see what I can learn or how I can improve, but eventually that turns into keeping up with the Jones’ and it is exhausting. In the beginning, it was good. But now it just drains me.

It feels like playing business and not actually doing any business. If I want to build Hampton Lab, I need to remove myself from all these influencers and be an original. There’s enough duplicates of Graham Stephan and Iman Gadzhi around in the world.

Here is what I did:

  1. Unsubscribed from all the business-y people on YouTube.
    These are all my current subscriptions:
  2. Bought a kindle paperwhite.
    Here is what I’m reading now: It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work, The 2-Hour Cocktail Party.
    I don’t buy the books, I borrow them from my public library through an app called Libby.


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